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Tell Me About the Exam

LEAP has helped over 70,000 social workers prepare for their licensing exams, which are developed by ASWB for the United States and Canada. Please check out the ABOUT US page to see why LEAP is considered to be the most reputable social work licensing exam preparation and continuing education company in the industry.   


How long should I study?

Study times will vary greatly depending on how long you have been out of school, as well as how well you perform in a testing environment and retain information, etc… We recommend that you focus on preparing for the exam and as you near study completion, you schedule your exam. It typically only about three weeks to get an appointment at a testing site. This suggestion assumes that you know which test you are taking, that you have met the requirements, and that you have authorization through your state board to sit for the exam, if applicable.

LEAP can help you establish a study schedule based on your desired test date, products purchased from LEAP, and several other important factors. Please feel free to call us if you need assistance. 

Will your books help me regardless of the state (or country) in which I reside?

Yes, ASWB exams are administered all over the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada. The exams are NOT state/province specific. Keep in mind, however, that every jurisdiction chooses the examination levels to be administered, so not every jurisdiction offers every exam. The Clinical level ASWB examination in Illinois, for example, is the same as the Clinical level ASWB examination administered in Arizona. You may also have an additional state exam, as is the case in California, although this is uncommon. You should seek clarification with your state licensing department.

How many questions are on the examination?

There are 170 questions on the ASWB examination, but only 150 count toward your score. The remaining 20 are pretest items, which are questions that are being evaluated for possible inclusion in the examination item pool. 

How much time will I have to take it?

You will have 4 hours to complete the ASWB examination. If you have special needs which fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you will be allotted extra time. Talk with ASWB for details on how to arrange for special accommodations. 

I am not sure which exam level I should take.

Each state has a different set of laws that govern the licensing examination in that state.  Please view the Licensing Exam Levels by Geographic Region guide for more information.

What is the passing score?

The raw passing score – that is, how many questions you need to have answered correctly in order to pass the examination – varies from administration to administration. Your jurisdiction’s scaled score, however, will remain constant. Individual administrations are equated to account for slight variations in the difficulty of individual items.

Is the same test administered all year?

No. There are multiple versions, or forms, of each level of the exams, and within those forms, the order of items is changed frequently. Some items will be the same from one administration to the next, but all items are reordered as part of the new examination.

What are the examination categories?

Currently, there are four examinations offered by ASWB for the Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Advanced Generalist and Clinical Exams.  There are entry levels of licensing often referred to as the Associates level, but these still require a Bachelor degree. 

It is wise to avoid using acronyms when referring to your test level. For example, the Clinical designation goes by LCSW, LICSW, LISW, etc.,  depending on where you reside! Thus, we suggest you refer to your exam level (e.g., Bachelor, Masters, Clinical) 

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