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What Products Are Best For Me?

We firmly believe that the LEAP Comprehensive Study Guide for your specific exam level is the foundation of success. We have also found that our online exam “A”, which is our most challenging exam, is the best assessment tool to measure your readiness for the real exam.

If you have been out of school more than three years or have previously failed the real exam you will need to consider the materials you used previously, the time you spent in the preparation process, and your learning style. You may need more study time or you may want to add an auditory component to your study plan. You also need to assess your areas of weakness. For instance, if you are taking the Clinical exam, you may want to add the Diagnostic Summary Guide to your order if you are not strong in this content area.

Please feel free to call us if you would like some suggestions in choosing your products and guidance in developing your study plan. We will only suggest products that fit your needs. We are not interested in selling you a product that will not help you just so that we can make an extra buck or two. We went into this business to help our colleagues through hard work and ethical business operations.